Waterman Paris 法國威迪文

Waterman法國鋼筆品牌創立於1883年,創始人Lewis Edson Waterman。品牌以高品質的書寫工具聞名。Waterman 是文化的標誌,象徵著法國的優雅和文化氣息。他帶來不單止是一種書寫的流暢體驗,同時帶來一種氣質與品味。喜愛Waterman的人不單止擁有這份氣質、更帶著一份卓越的氣息與文化品味。

Waterman 禮品配襯 商務致送


Waterman 系列

系列各具特色: Hémisphère系列以其現代流線的設計和舒適的握感,適合日常使用。Expert系列則結合古典與現代風格,外觀穩重,特別適合商務人士。Carène系列靈感來自海洋,筆身曲線優美,提供流暢的書寫體驗。而Exception系列則以獨特的方形設計和精緻細節展現大膽個性,適合追求獨特風格的人士。這些系列充分體現了Waterman對品質和法國優雅設計的堅持。

TEAMMATE為Waterman Paris在香港禮品及商務禮品認可代理,隆重推介法國Waterman這款獨特及充滿文化氣息的品牌。

Waterman Expert系列 專為商務人士設計,以古典與現代風格相結合,筆型似雪茄,展現時尚與專業感。筆款在握持感和書寫流暢性上表現出色,非常適合長時間使用。亦可以配合獨特設計包裝紙套,配合公司機構的徽號,設計出獨特有紀念性Waterman公司專屬禮品。
Hémisphère系列 以其細膩的設計和優雅的外觀而受到青睞,價錢適切,Waterman Hemisphere非常適合作為商務紀念品禮品。企業或公司機構可以構思獨特設計包裝紙套,配合筆身雷射雕刻徽號,搭配Waterman品牌,襯托出你公司機構獨有紀念價值的專屬禮品。
Waterman Carene系列 的設計靈感來自於海洋,特別是船具在水中運行時的流線型曲線,象徵著寧靜的海洋和法國優雅的美學。企業或公司機構可以構思獨特設計包裝紙套,配合筆身雷射雕刻徽號,搭配Waterman品牌,襯托出你公司機構獨有紀念價值的專屬禮品。
Exception系列 以其方柱形筆身而聞名,這種幾何造型打破了傳統鋼筆的設計規則。雖然外觀看似不符合人體工學,但實際使用中仍能提供舒適的握持感。

Waterman Pen & Gifts for Business Excellence

Waterman Paris 

Established in 1883 by Lewis Edson Waterman, Waterman is a distinguished French brand renowned for its high-quality writing instruments. It stands as a cultural emblem, symbolizing the elegance and rich heritage of France. Waterman offers not just a seamless writing experience but also embodies a sense of sophistication and taste. Those who appreciate Waterman possess not only this refined quality but also an aura of excellence and cultural appreciation.

Waterman Gifts for Business Excellence

Capturing the unique taste and cultural essence of Paris, Waterman pens are the perfect complement to various gifts intended for business occasions. They pair exquisitely with leather goods, crystal paperweights, crystal awards, and metal lapel pins, enhancing the overall elegance and prestige of any gift ensemble. Our Waterman gift sets can be customized to suit your preferences, and we invite you to reach out to us for more information.

The Waterman Collection

Each series within the Waterman collection boasts its own distinctive characteristics: 

The Hémisphère series features a modern streamlined design and comfortable grip, ideal for everyday use.

The Expert series combines classical and contemporary styles, presenting a robust appearance that is particularly suited for professionals.

The Carène series draws inspiration from the ocean, showcasing graceful curves that provide a smooth writing experience.

The Exception series stands out with its unique squared design and intricate details, reflecting bold individuality for those who seek a distinctive style.

These series exemplify Waterman unwavering commitment to quality and the elegance of French design.

Parker & Waterman Series

#法國威迪文筆 # Waterman Pen # Expert # Carene # Hemisphere # Perspective

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Brand 品牌之選


TEAMMATE Hong Kong Ltd. 榮美香港有限公司
Room 207, 2nd Floor, Block B, Chung Mei Centre, 15 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 3582 1500 Fax: (852) 2191 7378 Email: sales@teammate.com.hk
Enquiry Hotline : (香港) 3582 1582 (澳門) 6297 4421