母親節送給媽媽一份特別的環保袋禮物 不僅是一個時尚的選擇,還能讓媽媽在購物時成為環保達人,既環保又能購物,展示母親節的溫馨和這份獨特的愛。所以環保袋是實用又有意義的紀念品宣傳禮品,一份充滿愛意的禮物
Mother’s Day Eco-Friendly tote bag. Giving mom a special eco-friendly bag for Mother’s Day is not only a stylish choice but also turns her into an eco-friendly shopping expert. It’s both environmentally friendly and practical, showcasing the warmth of Mother’s Day and this unique love. An eco-friendly bag is a meaningful promotional gift—a gift full of love.
Mother’s Day Tableware and Home Goods Companies and organizations use Mother’s Day to send promotional gifts, so choosing household items and portable cutlery, which are both practical and thoughtful, is ideal. This includes massagers, eco-friendly cutlery, gloves, towels, and baking tools for cakes and bread. Those can make mom’s daily life more convenient and are a token of appreciation for her selfless dedication.
Honey is a heartwarming gift. A yoga strap makes for a healthier lifestyle, organic aloe vera gel protects the skin, and a facial beauty device is a wonderful Mother’s Day keepsake.
水杯水樽雖然好似都幾老土,卻是最實用和實惠的母親節記念品。Marketing同事成日都諗爆頭唔知送乜野宣傳禮物好,其實最實用的如水杯水樽保溫杯等等 只要配上美麗華動人的設計圖案 就能帶出母親節的溫馨和心意!是令人愛不釋手的禮物
Mother’s Day Mugs and Bottles Mugs, cups, and bottles may seem traditional, but they are the most practical and affordable Mother’s Day keepsakes. The most useful items, like cups, mugs, and bottles, when adorned with beautiful and touching designs, convey the warmth and sentiment of Mother’s Day. They are gifts that one can’t help but love. It is a good advertising campaign and gift.
好多媽咪都鍾意去行山佢哋好怕熱 所以送媽媽頸巾、背囊、毛巾、仲有夏天唔能夠少嘅手提風扇,做母親節紀念品及禮物就最適合不過。不過意父親節都好需要禮物,如果戶外用品可以同時用父親節或母親節,咁就為之一舉兩得
Mother’s Day Outdoor Items Many moms love hiking and fear the heat, so gifting items like wool, backpacks, towels, and portable fans make for the perfect Mother’s Day gifts. However, Father’s Day also requires gifts, it is perfect idea if outdoor items can be used for both Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.
Umbrellas and Rain Covers Many moms always carry a compact umbrella, a warm cup, a fan, and a lightweight windbreaker. Don’t forget a hat and sunglasses! Therefore, outdoor items are very suitable as gifts for both Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. They are promotional, practical, and perfect for advertising.
Crystal Gifts Mom, your gentle love always makes me feel warm! Engraving a touching phrase on a beautiful crystal and giving it to every happy and hardworking mother is the most moving scene. Our crystals are uniquely designed and hand-colored, making them a perfect gift.


Teammate為Marketing 同事提供了一些建議,希望能幫到大家~


Teammate推出幾款母親節水晶,有心形的、星形的、康乃馨、勿忘我(Forget Me Not)、水晶鑽石。水晶晶瑩亮麗、高貴典雅、手工精緻,無論是送給任年齡的母親都合適。Teammate水晶的印刷除了傳統的噴砂、上銀/金油之外,還有手繪上色或做UV全彩色印刷,與別不同。適合商場、企業和組織在母親節活動的宣傳產品,水晶璀璨的光芒令活動生色不少。

母親整天辛勞做家務,有些母親更要上班,緊張的生活都會令身心疲憊,需要停一停,無論是面部或肌肉都需要按摩,讓繃緊的肌肉放鬆一下,心靈得以舒壓。小泉成器 KOIZUMI 面部美容器、Toffy陶瓷手搖磨豆機、Siroca自動研磨咖啡機、小米迷你筋膜按摩槍等都適合超市、商場母親節活動宣傳禮品、積分獎賞換購禮品。



#宣傳禮品 #母親節禮品 #母親節禮物 #商場活動禮品 #母親節水晶 #環保袋 #按摩槍 #廣告雨傘


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Tel: (852) 3582 1500 Fax: (852) 2191 7378 Email: sales@teammate.com.hk
Enquiry Hotline : (香港) 3582 1582 (澳門) 6297 4421